Unmasking the Dark Side of House Flipping

House flipping, the art of buying a property, renovating it, and selling it for a profit, has gained popularity in recent years. While many successful and ethical house flippers exist, there’s a dark side to the industry that aspiring investors and homebuyers should be aware of. In this post, we’ll.. read more →


If you are in the process of constructing a new house, it is crucial to enlist the services of a third-party for phase inspections. You might wonder why this is necessary. Doesn’t the builder conduct checks on the subcontractors? Doesn’t the city employ building inspectors to ensure compliance with building.. read more →

Finding issues in your new build? Don’t get stuck with someone else’s mistakes!

At Proview Professional Home Inspections, we specialize in identifying new construction defects during construction and before you close. We recently inspected a home under construction and found: Contact us today to schedule an inspection. We’ll review the home’s systems and construction thoroughly to uncover any issues. You deserve a home.. read more →


When inspecting a house that is being built or just completed, we are always on the lookout for material defects and poor workmanship that can impact the home’s structural integrity and safety. Material defects include issues like cracked foundations, water damage, damaged fixtures, cabinet and hardware defects or faulty electrical.. read more →