Crawlspaces and Support
Proper Piers and Floor Support is one of those items that experience cannot be overemphasized. This is an example of what NOT to do for support of Girder Beams. Incorrect methods and signs of non-professional installation is always a flag that should be raised. As a home inspector that had years of experience.. read more →
Experience can’t have a price on it.
In this attic, I found a serious issue concerning the improper installation of step flashing at the sidewall. Here the step flashing is installed on the wrong side of the wall sheathing and therefore wood rot is the result. I can’t express the importance of viewing issues such as this.. read more →
Roll Roofing Can Cause UpHill Struggle
Roll roofing has its problems, but when you add tree limbs, weather and poor installation it can cause a home owner a real struggle. As a home inspector I check the roof structure and roof covering. If the envelope of the house is sacrificed then it’s just a matter of time.. read more →
Without a Home Inspection it might dampen your purchase!
Home Inspections is a very important part of the process of buying a house. I realize that not everyone gets a home inspection, but they should and not because that’s what I do for a living. Home Inspections cost a small fraction of what you may find in damaged and.. read more →