15 Jul 2024

When’s the last time you cleaned the exterior of your A.C. unit? It’s a crucial maintenance step that often gets overlooked, but it’s essential for keeping your home cool and your wallet happy. Trust me, this simple task can save you a lot of headaches and money.

Grab a garden hose and head outside. Spraying off the debris and dirt from your air conditionerโ€™s exterior can significantly improve its efficiency. If you let the dirt accumulate, you’re making your A.C. work harder than it should. That means higher energy bills and potentially less effective cooling.

We’ve seen it time and time again during home inspections. Many units are absolutely filthy, and there’s no way they can cool as effectively as they should if they’re not properly maintained. A clean unit is a happy unit, and happy units cool better.

So, take a few minutes to give your A.C. unit some much-needed TLC. Not only will it help you stay cool during the hot summer months, but it might also put a little extra cash back in your pocket. Stay cool and enjoy the summer!

Call us today at 270-485-2662/270-702-7804 or www.proviewinspections.info for your maintenance inspection needs. Check out our Blog while you are at our site for additional information. #whatsinyourcrawlspace #wehaveyourback #BigCrawler #inspectedonceinspectedright #certifiedhomeinspector #owensborohomeinspector #inspectyourhome #homeinspector #homeinspectors #jagoehomes #thompsonhomes #customhomes #newconstruction

Home Inspector# 102061


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