Damage Down Under
Inspecting a crawlspace is very important due to the issues that may exist that make or break buying a house. Did you know that not all home inspectors go into the crawlspace? Did you know that some inspectors send someone other than a licensed inspector to go into the crawlspace.. read more →
Crawlspaces and Inspections should go “Hand In Hand”
One thing that sets us apart from some of our competition is that “I” actually go into the crawlspace. I know that many people think “doesn’t every Home Inspector do that”?Well you may be surprised to find out the answer is “NO”. Some may send unqualified persons into the crawlspace to.. read more →
Termites take over the Garage
Termites cause a tremendous headache for many people and here is an example what they can do. At this inspection the wall paneling is simply shredded by these hungry pest and unless you have a professional deal with them they will eat you out of your home! Recent Home.. read more →